I have no idea what was going through my mind when I drew these at one point at 3 am. Actually, I do. It was something along the linse of, "Oh My God!, I need some fruffles fer ruffles to cover my ass. Whatchamacallits... Bloomers! Yes, those precious little bundles of abundant lace will suffice. Bunnies. You Know What's Cute? Bunnies. Hahaha fluffie hoppity hop hops. Bunnies in capes. Is that a plane? Is that a bird? No, it's a freaking bunny in it's pastel cape!" Kids, do humanity a favor and go to sleep early enough so you won't be unfortunate enough to get a munching case of the Midnight Ravies.
All usual creepines aside (I truly am sorry.), I have lusted, yes, lusted, for some bloomers for centuries now. What's a better way to pair some robin's egg blue, high-waisted bloomers than with a sunray bathed yellow Peter Pan cape? Perhaps with a Bunny SweatShirt/Cap-eish number...
Collars, no matter how puny or grand they are in size, they have the granted ability to bring the ideal into the clothing of choice, casual or formal. Choose the Elizabeth era, high vampire collar and you'll find yourself chasing after full-blooded children on the eve of some haunting night. Salute the Sailor look and prepare to explore the seven seas with the twist of your naval collar. Maybe the bow fits your youthful side better as you twirl in the glaze of chocolate and sprinkles donuts, fits of confetti, and the occasionaly sight of a lavander Unicorn's horn. Or the Tule Thing provides enough color and over-flowing amounts of pomp to transform you into an upside-down, confused ballerina. Either way, collars have a way of replacing all silly thoughts out of my head with their folds of tempting fabrics.
I really need to make some collars... Hope I don't prod my fingers with too many pins!