
And Once She Felt She Could Fly...

... her foot caught in the chair she lunged her speeding body out of, landing with a deafening crush into the cement nearing her. Ladies and Gentlemen of all ages, please take this as a hones piece of advice. No matter how cool the idea of jumping of a chair and taking a self-timed picture of it seems at the time, don't. If you are gifted with oh-my-god-is-that-a-bird-or-a-plane type of super powers, share it with the gravitational-lacking fools (me) that are sure they'll land like a cat, but find themselves belly flopping into concrete. Ouch, now I know why overalls truly come in handy.
Smize, anyone? :) Am I the only who tried to do that but couldn't cause I kept shaking from euphoric fits of laughter?
"Ei! It's an ant! Aren't you a cute little thing... Aww, your anntenae wave hello! Do black ants still bite? Crud."
I never realized how you can excercise more by running in a hurry to your bike several times to try and satisfy the 10 second shoot than it is actual cycling.
Overalls: Thrift Store (Tailored by me)
Hen or Rooster Shirt: Urban Outfitters
The Boots: Ross
Bow: Self-made

           When you have grown accustomed to the liberties of skirts, wearing full-length overalls can come as quite as a shock to those who dare experience it. The ones who get to watch you toddle (see what I did there?) around campus also receive the shock... I normally wear some "cutesy" skirtsy outfits to school and as the cold came to proximity with my shivering legs, I thought "Screw it, I'm wearing my overalls today, ma". Yeah, that didn't look so well... One day in the near future,  I will master the art of styling the overalls and will graduate with a badgeful of honors. Or at least I hoped I do, because, wow, did I look ridiculous.
                   Overalls, the day in which I wear you with thundering glory is inching upon us...

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