Black Oxfords with lace, ruffly ankle socks that bring me back to the moments in my dear childhood on which I despised that type of socks. Seriously, they made me feel like I still sucked on my thumb *Cough*WhichIstoppedDoing *Cough* Now, I have fallen into a deep infatuation with them so strong that I must declare our engagement party next Sunday, please bring us appropiate and colorful houseware and some chardonnay.My Six-Year-Old self probably perform a ritual on which The Burning of Lacey & Ruffly Socks was a recommended act, but, alas, I have defied such alliance with Ankle Sock Hating and embraced the poor,underestimated things with caring pen-scribbled arms.

The World's Lamest Outfit with the World's Awesomesauce Socks and Shoes. Tsk Tsk. No creativity whatsoever, but I shall keep it in order to be able to look back on it later and laugh my ass off. That is One gnarly butt-kicking, enormously wonderful bow, though. Courtesy of Forever 21, as is the pink dress and ankle socks. & my favorite ring that i wear with every black outfit. Decaying little black purse brought to you by: Salvation Army. Oxfords: Random LA Alley shop.
Don't I just look ecstatic and care-free in this picture?

Now I must introduce you to an Off-Topic picture.Friend and I found it at a popular Amusement Park (:>. Think what you may.
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